Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes
9.3 1 型糖尿病患者應接受有關如何將餐時胰島素劑量與碳水化合物攝入量、餐前血糖和預期體力活動相匹配的教育。
9.3 Patients with type 1 diabetes should receive education on how to match prandial insulin doses to carbohydrate intake, premeal blood glucose, and anticipated physical activity. C
2022 修正:
9.3 1 型糖尿病患者應接受有關如何將餐時胰島素劑量與碳水化合物攝入量、脂肪和蛋白質含量以及預期的體力活動相匹配的教育。
9.3 Individuals with type 1 diabetes should receive education on how to match mealtime insulin doses to carbohydrate intake, fat and protein content, and anticipated physical activity. B
對於大多數患者,應考慮使用一種版本的 CSII 進行強化胰島素管理和持續血糖監測。 1 型糖尿病成人可以考慮使用自動胰島素輸送系統,他們有使用這些系統的技能,以改善範圍內的時間並減少 A1C 和低血糖症 (19)。
Intensive insulin management using a version of CSII and continuous glucose monitoring should be considered in most patients. Automated insulin delivery systems may be considered in adults with type 1 diabetes who have the skills to use them in order to improve time in range and reduce A1C and hypoglycemia (19).
2022 修正:
大多數 1 型糖尿病患者應考慮使用一種版本的CSII 進行強化胰島素管理和持續血糖監測。 1 型糖尿病患者可以考慮使用 AID 系統,這些患者能夠安全地使用該設備(無論是自己還是與護理人員一起),以改善範圍內的時間並減少 A1C 和低血糖症 (22)。
Intensive insulin management using a version of CSII and continuous glucose monitoring should be considered in most individuals with type 1 diabetes. AID systems may be considered in individuals with type 1 diabetes who are capable of using the device safely (either by themselves or with a caregiver) in order to improve time in range and reduce A1C and hypoglycemia (22).
2021 vs 2022:
一般來說,1 型糖尿病患者每天需要 50% 的基礎胰島素和 50% 的餐時胰島素,但這取決於許多因素,包括個體攝入的碳水化合物含量較低還是較高。 (2022新增)
In general, patients with type 1 diabetes require 50% of their daily insulin as basal and 50% as prandial, but this is dependent on a number of factors, including whether the individual consumes lower or higher carbohydrate meals. (2022 新增)
2021 vs 2022:
1 型糖尿病患者的典型多劑量方案結合了餐前使用短效胰島素和長效製劑,通常在晚上。
Typical multidose regimens for patients with type 1 diabetes combine premeal use of shorter-acting insulins with a longer-acting formulation, usually at night. (2022 刪除)
2021 vs 2022:
生理胰島素分泌隨血糖、膳食大小、膳食成分(2022 年新增)和組織對葡萄糖的需求而變化。
Physiologic insulin secretion varies with glycemia, meal size, meal composition (2022 新增), and tissue demands for glucose.
Noninsulin Treatments for Type 1 Diabetes
隨機對照研究的結果顯示,在胰島素中添加 pramlintide 後,A1C (0–0.3%) 和體重 (1–2 kg) 會出現不同程度的降低 (27,28)。
Results from randomized controlled studies show variable reductions of A1C (0–0.3%) and body weight (1–2 kg) with addition of pramlintide to insulin (27,28).
臨床試驗表明,pramlintide 可適度降低 A1C (0.3-0.4%) 和適度減輕體重 (~1 kg) (30-33)。
Clinical trials have demonstrated a modest reduction in A1C (0.3–0.4%) and modest weight loss (∼1 kg) with pramlintide (30–33).
在 1 型糖尿病患者中,與單獨使用胰島素相比,在胰島素治療中添加 GLP-1-RA) liraglutide 或 exenatide 可導致 A1C 小幅下降 (0.2%),並且體重也減輕了 〜3公斤。
The addition of the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist (RA) liraglutide or exenatide to insulin therapy caused small (0.2%) reductions in A1C compared with insulin alone in people with type 1 diabetes and also reduced body weight by ∼3 kg (31).
最大的 GLP-1 RAs 臨床試驗用於 1 型糖尿病的臨床試驗是每天服用 1.8 mg Liraglutide ,顯示 A1C 適度降低(~0.4%),體重減輕(~5 kg), 和減少胰島素劑量 (36,37)。
The largest clinical trials of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) in type 1 diabetes have been conducted with liraglutide 1.8 mg daily, showing modest A1C reductions (∼0.4%), decreases in weight (∼5 kg), and reductions in insulin doses (36,37).
2021 vs 2022:
然而,在 1 型糖尿病中使用 SGLT2 抑製劑會導致酮症酸中毒增加 2 到 4 倍(2022 刪)。 繼續評估輔助藥物的風險和益處,共識聲明為患者選擇和預防措施提供指導 (41); (2022年新增)但只有pramlintide i被批准用於治療1型糖尿病。
however, SGLT2 inhibitor use in type 1 diabetes is associated with a two- to fourfold (2022 刪除) increase in ketoacidosis. The risks and benefits of adjunctive agents continue to be evaluated, with consensus statements providing guidance on patient selection and precautions (41); (2022 新增)but only pramlintide is approved for treatment of type 1 diabetes.
2022 新增 Fig. 9.1
T1DM 患者的胰島素治療方案選擇。 連續血糖監測改善了注射或輸注胰島素的結果,並且優於血糖監測。 在美國,吸入式胰島素可用於代替可注射的餐時胰島素 1 加號 (+) 的數量是對方案與所考慮方案之間的靈活性增加、低血糖風險降低和成本增加的相對關聯的估計。 LAA,長效胰島素類似物; MDI,每日多次注射; RAA,速效胰島素類似物; URAA,超速效胰島素類似物。 轉載自 Holt 等人。 (5)。
新增 Fig 9.2
1 型糖尿病患者 β 細胞替代療法適應症的簡化概述。 β細胞替代療法的兩種主要形式是全胰腺移植或胰島細胞移植。 如果個體患有終末期腎病,可以將β細胞替代療法與腎移植相結合,可以同時進行,也可以在腎移植之後進行。 所有關於移植的決定都必須平衡手術風險、代謝需求和糖尿病患者的選擇。 GFR,腎小球濾過率。 轉載自 Holt 等人。 (5)。
Simplified overview of indications for β-cell replacement therapy in people with type 1 diabetes. The two main forms of β-cell replacement therapy are whole-pancreas transplantation or islet cell transplantation. β-Cell replacement therapy can be combined with kidney transplantation if the individual has end-stage renal disease, which may be performed simultaneously or after kidney transplantation. All decisions about transplantation must balance the surgical risk, metabolic need, and the choice of the individual with diabetes. GFR, glomerular filtration rate. Reprinted from Holt et al. (5).
2022 新增 Table 9.1